aplaceformusic?! who dat??
aplaceformusic is where music begins. our goal is to unlock the notes within, enabling the creation & spread of amazing music.
aplaceformusic?! what dat??
aplaceformusic begins as a social site for musicians to pair up & form musical acts. we start musicians off with the ability to:
representusing multiple profiles to showcase your stats & tunes
searchto find musicians that you align with based upon specific criteria
messageto begin the process of forming musical acts
linkto become jammates & grow your social network
feedbackleave & receive ratings & reviews to establish cred
aplaceformusic?! how dat??
our symphonic adventure will roll out in four separate movements – each movement containing individual sections addressing various roadblocks & needs. the finale in movement four will complete the circle to create a self-contained world of music. we embark on this journey’s program with movement one, but first ...
~ prologue ~
tarantino style.
the dilemma
the path of a musician is frought with formidable & sometimes unnecessary challenges. it is difficult to get started & even more exacting to find others to pair up with in order to continue down the path.
the antagonists
lack of visibility
how the %@#! do i become a rockstar, sheesh?! bring me to there! unfortunately, there’s no roadmap or guide to help musicians find their footing.
separation from others
where are all my potential bandmates?! the dispersion of musicians & lack of volume in any one setting makes it virtually impossible to find your perfect match.
incomplete information
how do i know if we would play well together?! there is no present way to hear what or who they sound like – or even know what they are seeking, themselves.
high costs
the current methods can require a seemingly infinite amount of resources, most importantly time. & time = ducats. do youuu have infinity ducats?? what?! we don’t believe you, you’re lying.
the master plan
marshal all musicians into one place
since nooobody has infinity ducats, bringing everyone to one place makes it easier to cost effectively find one another. still can’t believe you lied so bad ...
provide a social setting for musicians to link up & form musical acts
playing with other people incentivizes musicians to further their trade - encouraging them to work harder so they keep up with the pack. it also generates a roadmap from which they can begin forging a path forward.
ensure the quickest route by utilizing creative methodology
we extract the most revealing & relevant information & then lay it out for you to find & explore.
always free, easy & legitimate
legitimacy is key. without verification & validation, any information begins to fall apart. & half-baked information leads to wasted time, which costs you more ducats – the ducats you don’t have. we want to encourage as many people as possible to join – so give word to your cortege! the larger the community, the greater the benefit for all. volume also ensures that the site remains free. & free = win. it’s math ...
~ movement one ~
marshal & align.
movement one: section one
to keep out the stray robots & cyber fluff. in addition, we limit access to one account per human being by storing your mobile number. this means that your history stays behind – so do your best to be a kind member of the community!
one account, multiple profiles
we can do many things in life, such as play the guitar and piano - although, probably not at the same time ;). seeing as such - we figured, why not enable the creation of profiles for all of your talents - as you will likely be on different skill levels for each & looking to play separate musical acts.
your place
your control center – where you can manage your account, profiles, stats, tunes & more!
your search module – where you find other musicians to play with via a multitude of in-depth variables the specificity of the search saves you time – therefore saving you those ducats. all infinity of em.
communicate amongst one another. go ahead – do it! marshal thy troops & maketh thine melodies ...
join each other’s social networks by linking with profiles of musicians you have jammed with before. once confirmed, the bottom number of your time signature - aka your ‘total jammates’ - increases by one. then each jammate is encourage to rate & review the other’s playing abilities as well as personal qualities.
feedback rating
on a scale from 0 - 100, your fellow jammates rate you on criterea ranging from your talents to you efforts. feedback ratings & reviews can always be altered, so be real & play nicely! once asigned, your feedback rating displays as the top number of your time signature - which can be thought of as your barometer of legitimacy.